The Louisiana State Police (LSP), Emergency Services Unit (ESU), is the primary agency in the state of Louisiana with both the regulatory and statutory authority for hazardous material and explosives. Each unit conducts enforcement activities which are supported by either administrative or criminal provisions within each set of regulations. Technicians assigned to ESU respond to, mitigate, and often remediate hazardous material and explosive incidents throughout the state of Louisiana on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. The job of an ESU Technician is to ensure the citizens of Louisiana are not exposed to any undue risk of hazardous materials or explosives through proactive enforcement and by strictly enforcing and investigating infractions in the hazardous material and explosives laws.
The Hazardous Materials Hotline is operated by the Louisiana State Police and allows for the immediate notification of hazardous materials related incidents occurring in Louisiana. The HazMat Hotline is available to transporters, manufacturers, and users of regulated hazardous materials, as well as the general public. Reports to the HazMat Hotline can be made by dialing 877-925-6595 or 225-925-6595.
The LSP Hazardous Materials Training Program offers courses for first responders in relation to Hazardous Materials incidents. These courses also include counter-terrorism curriculum. Courses either meet or exceed NFPA® 470: Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Standard for Responders, NFPA 1072/472, and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(q), where applicable. Training is available at no cost for local, state, and federal responders assigned to the State of Louisiana through funding provided by PHMSA’s Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant.
Click here to find a current listing of available courses and additional details on the Hazardous Materials Training Program.
Contact us about additional training questions at [email protected]
In 1970, the Legislature passed Louisiana’s first laws governing explosives. Consequently, the State Police Explosive Control Unit was formed in 1971. Under the newly written laws, the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of State Police was now tasked with regulating, both criminally and civilly, the explosives industry throughout the state of Louisiana. The Louisiana State Police was now the only state police agency in the country with regulatory authority over the explosives industry. Shortly thereafter, several states followed the path paved by the Louisiana State Police.
For regulatory questions or concerns, email: [email protected]
Telephone: 225-925-4893 - Option 3
Act 435 of the 1985 legislative session established the RTK laws whereby owners and operators are responsible for filing inventory forms for all hazardous materials manufactured, used, or stored at their facilities and for immediately reporting releases of certain hazardous materials in certain reportable quantities to the Louisiana State Police, Hazardous Materials Unit.
In October of 1986, the Federal Government enacted the “Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act” under SARA Title III. The formation of SARA Title III, a complex federal law with a simple purpose to protect lives and property by enabling all segments of the community to have access to timely detailed information about hazardous material in their community and use that information to plan for potential chemical emergencies. These efforts lead to the formation of the Department’s “Right-to-Know” Section. RTK currently maintains records in a data base known as the “Tier II” data base. Tier II is a comprehensive information system containing specific data regarding both the presence and location of hazardous materials in Louisiana.
Telephone: 225-925-4893 - Option 0
For Tier II questions or concerns, please email: [email protected]
Public records requests involving hazardous materials incidents, hazardous materials violations, explosives violations, or Tier II filings can be made through GovQA. For faster processing, please include as much information regarding the request as you can (e.g. Incident Number, Date, Location, Violation Number, Company Name).
Chris Adams - Commander
Phone: 225-925-4893
Louisiana State Police
Emergency Services Unit
PO Box 66168, A-16
Baton Rouge, LA 70896