
Lt. Colonel Kenny VanBuren 

Deputy Superintendent

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Kenny L. VanBuren is a 31-year veteran of the Louisiana State Police and currently serves as the Deputy Superintendent of the Bureau of Investigations. LTC VanBuren began his career in 1990 as a patrol Trooper assigned to Troop E in Alexandria. He has held assignments in the Narcotics Unit, Insurance Fraud Unit, Detectives, and Criminal Intelligence and served as Commander of the Gaming Enforcement Division.

While assigned to the Insurance Fraud Unit, LTC VanBuren was tasked with the expansion of Insurance Fraud related investigations throughout Central and North Louisiana.

In January 2021, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and named Deputy Superintendent over the Bureau of Investigations.

LTC VanBuren earned a General Studies Degree from Northwestern State University, he earned a Degree in Public Administrations from Upper Iowa University, and he is a graduate of Southern University, where he earned a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He has been the recipient of numerous commendations and awards, including Outstanding Trooper of the Year, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, two Professional Excellence Awards, two Meritorious Service Awards, and three Unit Citations.


Criminal Investigations

The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is responsible for the investigation of criminal activity in the State of Louisiana. CID is comprised of both Detectives and Narcotics investigators. CID operates in three (3) Regions throughout the state which follow the same geographical lines as the Patrol Regions. Please see the Patrol and Troop Section for maps of the specific areas of responsibility. In addition to the CID Headquarters, several field offices are maintained in strategic locations throughout the state.

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Special Investigations

The Special Investigations Division is comprised of, and responsible for, the Special Investigations Unit (Technical Support Unit, Special Victims Unit, and Louisiana Clearinghouse for Missing and Exploited Children) and the Investigative Support Section (Louisiana State Analytical & Fusion Exchange, and the Criminal Intelligence Unit).


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Gaming Enforcement

The Gaming Enforcement Division is committed to the strict regulation and control of statutorily authorized gaming entities in conjunction with the Louisiana Gaming Control Board (LGCB). The regulation of gaming and the enforcement of criminal gambling laws promote the public's health, safety, and welfare by safeguarding the people of this state against corrupt and dishonest practices.


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