In 1974, the DPS Police was established to support the mission of the Louisiana State Police. Initially, DPS Police provided security to the State Police Headquarters Campus and managed the inmates assigned to the State Police Barracks. DPS Police still provide this support through the DPS Police Physical Security Section.

In 1996, the Louisiana Legislature created the DPS Police Capitol Detail. This section is responsible for providing police protection to the State Capitol Complex. This area includes the State Capitol, the Historic Spanish Town Neighborhood, numerous state buildings, and a large portion of Downtown Baton Rouge.

In 2010, the Capitol Detail expanded its mission to include providing police protection to state buildings throughout Louisiana. Currently, the DPS Police provide officers to facilities in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Alexandria, Shreveport, and Monroe. This vital role provides safety and security to thousands of state employees and the citizens who visit these facilities.

In 2012, through a legislative reorganization, DPS Police again expanded its role to include the Crescent City Connection. Officers assigned to the CCC Bridge Detail provide police protection, traffic enforcement, and crash investigation to this vital traffic artery that connects the residential and industrial areas of the West Bank with metropolitan New Orleans.