Stay at Home Order Fact Sheet

Published: 03-22-2020 | Category: Covid-19 Information


To further combat the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana, Gov. Edwards issued a Stay at
Home Order today--directing all Louisiana residents to shelter at home and limit
movements outside of their homes beyond essential needs.
Go to the grocery, convenience or warehouse store
Go to the pharmacy to pick up medications and other healthcare necessities
Go to medical appointments (check with your doctor or provider first)
Go to a restaurant for take-out, delivery or drive-thru
Care for or support a friend or family member
Take a walk, ride your bike, hike, jog and be in nature for exercise — just keep at
least six feet between you and others
Walk your pets and take them to the veterinarian if necessary
Help someone to get necessary supplies
Receive deliveries from any business which delivers
Go to work unless you are providing essential services as defined by this Order
Visit friends and family if there is no urgent need
Maintain less than 6 feet of distance from others when you go out
Visit loved ones in the hospital, nursing home, skilled nursing facility or other
residential care facility, except for limited exceptions as provided on the facility
What is the difference between “Stay at Home” and “social distancing”?
Stay at home is a stricter form of social distancing.
Stay at home means:
Stay home (stay unexposed and do not expose others)
Only go out for essential services
Stay six feet or more away from others
Don’t gather in groups